Posted by: Tabitha Bottoms | November 19, 2009

Under Construction

Consider us “Under Constuction”!  I’m moving from a personal blog to a blog dedicated to my favorite hobby and job, Photography (enter ethereal angelic choir sound here).  Photo Tabs at the top of the page highlighting some of my work are also under construction- more will be added very soon!

Many moons have come and gone since I was playing around on my dad’s film Minolta, and I am honored to have taken pictures for many amazing friends and family!  Stay tuned and look for some more information to be added.  Thanks again for stopping by!

Posted by: Tabitha Bottoms | August 7, 2008

i shoot people

well, shoot them with my camera.  I love photography.  It’s always been a hobby, but lately I have thought about trying to maybe make a little money at it.  Nothing serious, but maybe as a side job.  I already have a gig for Sunday morning with my amazing peeps at RPC (shout out!) and have found the coolest photographer here in Brandon named Theresa NeSmith.  She goes to Bell Shoals and does some great work.  You should check out her website at  I might start helping her out as an assistant on some shoots coming up.  This is all extremely exciting for me! 

Feel free to comment and critique on anything you see here, I’m always willing to learn! 

Picures for this section are now located here, or please look for them under my “Pages.”  Thanks!

Posted by: Tabitha Bottoms | June 10, 2008

30 years

My parents have been married 30 years today.  I can’t imagine what the next 29 years will hold for Tim and I.  If you aren’t privileged enough to know my parents, let me tell you that they are amazing.  I am not only the luckiest girl in the world to be their friend, but am honored to be a bi-product of their amazingness.  They have modeled a loving, supportive, christian marriage everyday of their lives, and I am eternally grateful for their example.  They spiritually have guided all three of us kiddies since our births and I could not be more thankful for the Christ centered home I was graced to grow up in.  I could go on for hours, but I will simply say this: They are the best.  ever.  of all time. 

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad- Since I love old pictures I have to include this one!

This is a picture of mom and dad on their honeymoon
